Primary (classes I TO V)

Transformative time for students

Primary education in AGI Global School is the most important and basic right of every child. It is the first step in the world of formal education. It plays a role in ensuring broad-based learning of a child. This includes the development of social, cognitive, cultural, physical, and emotional skills. It is critical for the development of young children. It has various advantages for children’s overall development. Our Primary wing is excellent when it comes to focusing on the overall development of the students.

Skills that Children Will Learn

It is the beginning of knowledge accumulation when a child starts learning to read and write. Therefore  Learning in our school is not just academic Interaction between kids, it is also a kind of self-training. It instills in youngsters a feeling of rightness. It educates children to settle conflicts peacefully and help them develop emotional and social skills.

In our Primary school education the curriculum is created in a way that creates scope for group activities and teamwork, which are integral to a child’s personal development. Teamwork builds a feeling of respect for others in kids. It also teaches children how to share space and play with other fellow classmates.

We ensure that Primary education in our school remains  important for children’s confidence-building. It is a well-established truth that children who have attended primary school are far more confident than those who have not.

We pay Individual attention and provide them engagement in different activities to help children improve their cognitive skills and concentration power to a great extent.

It is a proven fact that a child’s oral language abilities develop between the ages of 3 and 5. Studying in an interactive setting like AGI Global school primary education undoubtedly improvises the child’s speaking and reading abilities.

We provide the secure environment of primary school education which instills a sense of security in kids, allowing them to feel confident. Learning at an institution that encourages growth and independence is extremely beneficial to a child’s development.‍

Primary education in our school has been imparted in a fun and entertaining way keeping information and entertainment hand in hand to hold the attention of kids. As they have a very small span of attention. The environment of the school should be rich, encouraging, and caring to make the child feel happy, confident, and secure.